
Showing posts from February, 2018

Automating Enterprise/Public CA SSL Certificate Installation for Clustered NetApp

Previously we covered installing a valid SSL certificate on a Clustered NetApp . Today we'll make that process a bit more automated. The following script will generate the entire process using only a source Certificate/Key Pair and Intermediate CA cert. This script is tested against Let's Encrypt Production and Staging CAs, you may have to make minor adjustments for it to work with other certificate providers.

How to Install a Enterprise/Public CA SSL Certificate on a Clustered NetApp Web UI

Installing a valid SSL certificate on a Clustered NetApp is a relatively straightforward task once you understand the commands. The key takeaway pointers are to already have your certificate and the complete certificate chain available. Quite often you may not have the RootCA certificate and will need to obtain that prior to installing your certificate on the NetApp. How it works: The basics of what commands are needed on the NetApp Cluster are as follows: set -privilege advanced security certificate show Copy $VServer_Name name and $SerialNumber security certificate delete -vserver $VServer_Name -common-name $VServer_Name -ca $VServer_Name -type server -serial $SerialNumber To just remove all SSL certificates for a Vserver: security certificate delete -vserver $VServer_Name  security certificate install -type server Paste contents of F.Q.D.N.cer Paste contents of F.Q.D.N.key Paste contents of CA-Intermediate.cer Paste contents of CA-Root.cer security certific

Crossflashing the Dell PERC H200 and H310 to the LSI 9211-8i

There are many fine guides online for crossflashing the Dell PERC H200 and H310 to the LSI 9211-8i that they truly are, but sometimes you just want to flash things quickly and in a straightforward manner. This guide aims to achieve that with one word: YOLO. I have made available a flashing package that, using said package, you can have the entire flash process done in under 5 minutes. This guide is based on files and previous guides by  Tyler Woods  and techmattr . There are some caveats: This will not preserve your SAS Address. That said, the only thing you care about is it being unique, so it is automatically generated every time. You can only have a single HBA in your system at a time. It is unsafe and I would highly recommend against running this on any system with a built in LSI HBA. Given the previous point, you should probably run this on a normal consumer motherboard. I used an old Dell Optiplex 755. How it works: The series of batch files perform t